Don Haugen runs a small boutique design firm in the Pacific Northwest. He has deep expertise in corporate design and a flair for crafting compelling brand narratives. With a passion for transforming brands into visual stories and a proven track record of stunning, award-winning results, Don delivers a unique blend of creativity and strategic thinking to every project.

Brand Mastery: Specializing in creating brands that resonate with target audiences, he has a keen eye for translating concepts into striking brand personalities. From idea to execution, Don ensures that each stage of the project reflects the essence of the client's business, product, or service and leaves a lasting impression.

Creative Direction: As a hands-on Creative Director, Don has worked with and led cross-functional, global teams to deliver cohesive and memorable campaigns. Don believes in the power of visual storytelling to drive brand success and works collaboratively to bring ideas to life. Don has worked with brands from Adidas to Zune (Microsoft) and so many others, Including Hewlett-Packard, Intel, Pepsi, Adult Swim, Live Nation, Verizon, T-Mobile, and more.
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